Automotive Research Services
Good copy service for brass era car data.
The EMF Web Page
A whole site dedicated to the EMF auto. Excellent job by John M. Daly.
Pre World War II Buick Site
A lot of nice photos, links, etc of Pre-WW2 Buicks.
History of the 3 cylinder Duryea
An excellent chronology of the
three cylinder Duryea from 1893 on. A lot of data and photos.
VMCCA, The Veteran Motor Car Club of America
One of the oldest car clubs in America.
HCCA, Shasta Cascade Region Courtesy of Doc Hemp's Bad Chariots page.
Some good pre-16 car photos
Antique Car Clubs
A list
Skagit-Snohomish Region HCCA
A lot of brass car photos and other good club stuff.
Courtesy of Fred Cruger.
Some interesting brass-era auto information
Restoration Supply Co.
Misc supplies for auto restorers
The POR-15 Store
Rust preventive coatings and restoration supplies.
Bill Heidemann
Speedometer Specialist. Highly recommended for Brass era cars.
Automobile Books Bishko
Good source for car and truck manuals, brochures, albums etc. for repair and restoration.
An interesting site with a lot of info on pre-1942 cars.
Vintage Reproductions
An Australian group with a nice line of reproduction parts from brass-era to pre WW2.
Veteran Auto Lamps
New York lamp manufacturers and restorers George and Kathy Holden.
BrassBuicks Email Group
A communication web site for Brass Era Buick owners and enthusiasts.
Early Cadillac Email Group
A communication web site for Brass Era Cadillac owners and enthusiasts.
Link Exchange Partners
Other auto related sights of interest